This is my Physics Model. In it, you are invincibal and the alians are on the stupid side.
But the best part by far are the weapons.
Fist-Both triggers shoot wasp goo. I love wasp goo. It's so fun.
.44 Magnum- First trigger-Rockets. Really powerful ones.
Second trigger- A constant stream of bullets. Excelent sniper weapon.
M.75 Assult Rifle- First trigger- Fusion Bolts. It's very nice. Trust me.
Second trigger- Grenades like you've never seen them before. These suckers will quickly take out a room of alians or Bobs. What ever you want to shoot, this baby will take care of it.
Tech .50 Fusion Pistol-First trigger-Hunter bolts. These light up the room for a considerable amount of time. A great nightlight.
Second trigger- A spray of pistol bullets. Fun.
SPNKR-X17-Pretty much unchanged. Missle speed and accuracy increased a bit, though.
Tozt .25 Flame unit-First trigger-Unchanged
Second trigger- Ultra powerful, ultra quick wasp goo.
Alian Weapon-A fun filled suprise.
Note-All weapons have lots and lots and lots of ammo.
Note-This Physics Model never crashes
Note- If you want to rant and rave, I strongly encourage you to E-mail me at